Friday, March 2, 2007

OK Enough With Anna Nicole Stuff

This truly amazing. How is it that we can keep sending more and more troops abroad, but we're not able to protect ourselves. 88% WOW. Hummm, maybe I should become a terrorist. Calling all terrorists! If there's ever a time its now. You could get away with just about anything in this country if you were sneaky enough

88% of National Guard Units Rated ‘Not Ready’
Heavy deployments of the National Guard and reserves for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have deepened shortages, forced the cobbling together of units and hurt recruiting, according to a congressional report delivered Thursday, resulting in 88% of all units inside the U.S. rating as “not ready”. State Guard officials say they are unprepared to respond to a large-scale terrorist attack or natural disaster, and the current troop increase in Iraq is expected to require the call-up of as many as four National Guard combat brigades.

1 comment:

Snave said...

Not only might they be not ready, they are supposed to be HERE, in the U.S., protecting the "homeland", and not being sent off to the Middle East to be used as pawns in a neoconservative nation-building scheme. I would feel much safer with these troops here, on American soil, preparing for possible further attacks like the ones on Sept. 11. I think it just makes our country a lot less safe to have them in Iraq or elsewhere.