Saturday, April 7, 2007

I Just Don't Get It

Here we have a person who is attempting to make peace within this wartorn and divided region, and the idiot President wants nothing to do with it.

Bush wants no part of peace - Warmonger, Isolationist, Fearmonger, War for Profit

I am so sick of this! This is absolute bullshit!

On last stop of tour, Pelosi visits Saudi advisers' chamber
By Donna Abu-nasr, Associated Press
Last update: April 05, 2007 – 10:04 PM

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Saudi Arabia's unelected advisory council on Thursday, the closest thing in the kingdom to a legislature, where she tried out her counterpart's chair -- a privilege no Saudi woman can have because women cannot become legislators.
"It's a nice view from here," Pelosi said as she sat in the chair, facing the ornate chamber with its deep blue and yellow chairs and gilded ironwork.
On the last stop of her Mideast tour, Pelosi, the first woman in her position, said she raised the issue of Saudi Arabia's prohibition of female politicians with Saudi government officials, but she refrained from criticizing the kingdom over it.
One day after Pelosi's sharply criticized meeting with Syrian President Bashir Assad, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., paid a similar visit. He said President Bush had not promoted the dialogue that is necessary to resolve disagreements between the United States and Syria.
"That's an important message to realize: We have tensions, but we have two functioning embassies," Issa told reporters after separate meetings with Assad and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the administration had a clear line on members of Congress -- Democrat or Republican -- going to Syria. "We do not think it is useful," he said, adding that such a visit "only makes [the Syrians] feel validated."
Washington accuses Syria of backing Hamas and Hezbollah, groups it deems terrorist organizations.
In Riyadh on Thursday, Pelosi sidestepped a question about the absence of female Saudi council members, saying: "The issue has been brought up in our discussions with the Saudis on this trip."
The Majlis al-Shura, or Consultative Council, was expanded and given more powers in 1992 as a gesture toward forming a legislature. Its 150 members are chosen by the king and advise him, and the body has the power to propose new laws for the government's approval. The kingdom, ruled by the strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islam, held its first elections in 2005, choosing local councils. Women were forbidden from voting or running.
Pelosi arrived in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, meeting with King Abdullah at his farm outside Riyadh, where they discussed at length the Arab peace initiative proposed by Saudi Arabia in 2002 and relaunched at a summit in Riyadh last week.
The initiative offers Israel peace with all Arab states if it withdraws from lands seized in 1967 and allows the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in east Jerusalem. Israel has said it would only accept the proposal if some changes were made, but Arab nations have said Israel should accept it as a basis for negotiations.
Pelosi leaves for Washington early today


Anonymous said...

Statements like these are why Liberals, and I say liberals, not democrats, dont get it. You dont even understand how the goverment works. Nancy Pelosi stepped way out of bounds, and it isn't that the President, or his lovely wife Laura couldnt have made the trip, they are standing by the NO DEALING WITH TERRORIST STATES POLICY.

Lizzy said...

AAAHHHH! Is there anyway to keep boneheads like her off our blogs??

Wreckoning Force said...

Hey Beth,

Shoo fly. Right wing piece of shit!!! Not even the balls to put a link to your blog! Oh, how typical.

Wreckoning Force said...

How's that, Lizzy!!!

Snave said...

The problem is not "liberals" who want to "capitulate" or "disobey". The problem is conservatives who get their talking points from people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and who refuse to realize that other nations are not unruly teenagers who need to be punished, but that other nations are made up of people, who do not all hate us.

I have always thought the best way to get rid of your enemies is to make them your friends. If we take a different Middle East policy approach, a policy that doesn't lead to endless war against an undefined enemy, but rather one which helps nations of that region solve its problems, I'm willing to bet the leaders of those countries would be much more willing to police their nation's religious kooks who want to foment violence and terrorism against the U.S. AS it is now, we have made a number of Middle Eastern nations afraid of us, and we have given the Imams undreamed of respect, prestige, and recruiting power.

Teddy Roosevelt was probably right when he said "Speak softly but carry a big stick." I take that to mean that if you ACTUALLY TRY diplomacy and it doesn't work, THEN you get out the stick... but Bush shuns diplomacy, speaks loudly, and carries a VERY big stick. In the Bush approach, anything positive may never get a chance to start. His approach is "we set the rules, and if you disobey us, we will punish you." Concerns of other nations, which in some cases may be valid or legitimate, are never considered.

If Nancy Pelosi wants to help make leaders of Middle Eastern nations aware that not all of America's political leaders are as ignorant as Bush/Cheney, then she provides a great service not just to America but to the entire world. Isn't it possible that her efforts might give some world leaders pause for thought, and cause them to think that maybe it would be a good idea to wait just a bit and see if things can change in Washington D.C. with the election of a Democratic presidential candidate in 2008?

If I'm not careful, I will wear out Senator Webb's response to this year's State of the Union Address... but this is what he said:

"These presidents took the right kind of action for the benefit of the American people and for the health of our relations around the world. Tonight, we are calling on this president to take similar action in both areas. If he does, we will join him. If he does not, we will be showing him the way."

If the Democrats need to show Bush some better ways to do things, so be it. SOMEBODY needs to show him.

Many conservatives don't understand how government works, and also appear to have never read or studied the Constitution. If they did or had, they would be vehemently opposed to the man currently squatting in OUR house, the White House, who is supposed to be there to serve the American people... not just white Christians, but ALL of us.

Bush breaks laws, and he violates the Constitution he has sworn to uphold. I submit that many conservatives, such as the one who submitted the first comment in this thread, also do not understand checks and balances and the importance of the concept. We have a president who believes that God speaks through him, and who has had a rubber-stamp Congress for six years. People who fail to notice how badly our foreign policy and relations have deteriorated during these past six years have either been drinking too much of the Hannity/Coulter/Malkin/Savage/Limbaugh/FOX "News" Kool-Aid, or else they simply have not been paying attention. They need to look at how our country was set up, and why our forefathers set things up the way they did.

When Bush attempts to concentrate power in the executive branch as he does, he violates the Constitution. When he does not bother to obtain warrants for wiretaps, he breaks the law as set forth by FISA. When he knowingly used faulty intelligence to get our country to invade a nation that has been repeatedly proven to have no connection to "9-11", it shows us he has been lying to us. When he approves of torture and extroardinary renditions, he violates the Constitution once again... because according to the Constitution, when we enter a treaty it becomes part of the law of the land. And our country signed on to something called the Geneva Conventions a number of years ago... which says torture is uncool. These are all VERY impeachable offenses.

Bush/Cheney are the ones who have stepped way out of bounds, not Pelosi or the Democratic Congress. Those who blindly follow Bush/Cheney and don't question their actions or motives are as out of bounds as he is. THEY are the ones who "don't get it", and until we get their Fearless Leader out of office, our nation is is in dire trouble.